Benefits of NeurOptimal®
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Comprehensive International Survey of Trainers on the Effectiveness of NeurOptimal.
How Can NeurOptimal® Help Me?
Stress Management • Adaptability • Focus • Attention • Memory • Sleep • Concentration • Understanding • Learning Capacity • Decision Making • Personal Growth • Spiritual Enrichment • Habits • Lifestyle • Creativity • Performance • Mood • Wellness • Self-esteem • Academic Achievement • Confidence • Mental Acuity • Relaxation • And So Much More!
NeurOptimal® Explainer Video
NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is a gentle, safe and non-invasive way to the release troublesome, unproductive patterns that hold you back from experiencing your full potential. Your brain has the incredible capacity to reorganize itself. By resetting old habituated patterns, you can experience optimal functioning and realized potential.
NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® is a revolutionary approach to neurofeedback, holistically training the brain to recognize its natural potential; increasing its flexibility, resilience, and stability. As the brain learns to naturally self-correct and reorganize, problems and symptoms of disorganization tend to just fall away, quite effortlessly for most people.

Start your NeurOptimal® Experience with us Today!
Results of NeurOptimal® Training
Our clients experience results across the entire spectrum of human experience
Stress Management • Adaptability • Focus • Attention • Memory • Sleep • Concentration • Understanding • Learning Capacity • Decision Making • Personal Growth • Spiritual Enrichment • Habits • Lifestyle • Creativity • Performance • Mood • Wellness • Self-esteem • Academic Achievement • Confidence • Mental Acuity • Relaxation • And So Much More!
NeurOptimal® Explainer Video
Our Clients have Experienced
Stress Management
Stress is a fact of life and moments of stress are a part of the human experience. Stress is problematic when it becomes chronic or our stress response is compromised in the face of life’s many challenges. Chronic stress clouds our minds and taxes our bodies. NeurOptimal® fosters resilience and flexibility and promotes relaxation, enhancing our ability to problem solve and remain calm through stressful situations. Building resilience and flexibility, and thereby reducing your stress load, could be the single most important thing you can do to improve your overall health and wellness.

According to the 2014 Comprehensive International Survey of Trainers on the Effectiveness of NeurOptimal®
91% of NeurOptimal® users report greater than a 40% improvement in Stress Management after 20+ sessions

Focus / Attention
NeurOptimal® is not a treatment for ADHD or any other challenge or condition, rather it is a powerful tool for relaxation, stress management and self-optimization. When the brain optimizes itself, it is very common to experience increased focus, attention and mental acuity. People who use NeurOptimal® report that they are less distracted and experience greater attention span, along with an increased ability to follow instructions and stay on task, improving productivity and accomplishment.
83% of NeurOptimal® users report greater than a 40% improvement in Focus and Attention after 20+ sessions.
Academic Achievement
Recent studies have reported on the risks our children and teens face due to academic stress. Testing, hour upon hour of homework, puts our kids at risk for performance anxiety and chronic stress which inhibits learning capacity. With NeurOptimal® training kids, teens and adults experience greater calm and confidence in stressful situations, allowing them to perform at their best even when challenged by high-demand situations.
84% of NeurOptimal® users report greater than 40% improvement in Academic Achievement after 20+ sessions

The quality of our sleep heavily influences the quality of our lives. One of the first, and most widely reported, positive shifts clients experience when using NeurOptimal® is improvement in sleep management. When the brain begins to self-regulate more effectively clients report falling asleep more quickly, sleeping more soundly through the night and waking up feeling refreshed, rested and restored.
82% of NeurOptimal® users report greater than a 40% improvement in Focus and Attention after 20+ sessions
Performance Goals
Athletes, musicians, artists, performers and business people have used all NeurOptimal® to improve physical and mental performance in their field. Clients use NeurOptimal® to improve their golf game, gain the competitive edge and reduce sports and performance anxiety, and more. NeurOptimal® training helps the brain access present moment awareness as the new default. Present moment awareness leads to improved concentration, and freedom from unwanted inner and outer distractions resulting in enhanced and peak performance.
83% of NeurOptimal® users report greater than a 40% improvement in Performance after 20+ sessions

Chronic mental, emotional and physical challenges are exacerbated by stress. External stressors, as well as our internal dialogue about the issue itself, can be the source of that stress. The increased flexibility and resilience seamlessly achieved in the brain as a result of NeurOptimal® training, manifests in actual experience, allowing for greater flexibility and resilience in the face of challenges. For those seeking relief from chronic issues, NeurOptimal® has been shown to help clients cope with, manage and transform their perception of persistent challenges.
Habits / Lifestyle
We all know we should eat more vegetables, exercise every day, and go to bed before midnight, yet most of us don’t act in accordance with our best intentions for personal well-being. Instead, we default to our habituated patterns and baseline level of stress in our nervous system. Perhaps there are areas of your life that need a complete overhaul. NeurOptimal® facilitates change and clients report increased motivation towards wellness and feel effortlessly drawn toward more of what is good for them, and away from what is bad for them, rediscovering their ability to reach healthy lifestyle goals.

Relationships / Family
What is left undone in us from our past tends to surface in our close relationships. Your ability to pause, consider, and intentionally choose your response, rather than being launched involuntarily into old patterned reactions, is a direct reflection of your degree of resilience. NeurOptimal® fosters self-awareness and makes it possible to regain your power to choose how you want to respond, rather than react, to others. Our clients report experiencing greater mindfulness, increased patience, improvements in their ability to listen, a greater willingness to communicate more openly, and a deepening of empathy and intimacy all resulting in profound shifts in their relationships. Your loved ones can have the best version of you when you train with NeurOptimal®.
When it comes to creative block self-doubt is enemy number one. Fear of criticism and rejection creates stress and becomes a barrier to inspiration leading to procrastination and lack of motivation. One of the biggest benefits of NeurOptimal® brain training is the ability to gain the flexibility and resilience to easily and effortlessly make decisions and to take action without being inhibited by self-doubt. Clients report they feel greater self-confidence and gain easier access to the brain’s natural flow state allowing them to effortlessly move through blocks, unleashing their inherent creativity and innovation.

Well Being
The wellness approach of NeurOptimal® increases our ability to elegantly handle the demands of life. Many of our clients fondly call NeurOptimal® – “The happy machine” because they wake up in the morning simply feeling happy for no reason. Clients report feeling more confident, self-empowered, certain, calm, relaxed and less stressed, experiencing an overall feeling of contentment and internal balance they had been searching for, but couldn’t find, before training with NeurOptimal®. No matter your age, your aspirations or your challenges, we like to say, “Anything you do, you will do better, with NeurOptimal®.”
Ready to Find Out More?
Request the Comprehensive International Survey of Trainers on the Effectiveness of NeurOptimal®
Start your NeurOptimal® Experience with us Today!
Success Stories
" NeurOptimal® is a life changing gift! "
- Barb W., Aurora, CO
NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® is not a “treatment” for any “diagnosis” or “condition,” rather a revolutionary approach to neurofeedback, holistically training the brain to recognize its natural potential; increasing its flexibility, resilience and stability. As the brain learns to naturally self-correct and reorganize, symptoms and problems tend to gently fall away, quite effortlessly for most people.
Here you will find personal stories of this effortless falling away, and examples of the transformation that is possible, both individually and in families, when the brain is given the opportunity to naturally reorganize and self-correct with NeurOptimal®.
Answered prayers through NeurOptimal®
- Jen C., Broomfield, CO
“We are all continuing our training and our great news is Hannah! If you recall December through July was downright crazy for her and us. She was really struggling. Scared when I would leave the house. Binge eating. Paranoid about certain kids at school. Crying regularly. Struggling with school. Now she is THRIVING.
We went to her conferences last night and both of us started to cry when I reminded her that back in May I was considering alternative options for school. She is getting straight A’s, she loves her teachers, her classes and is always engaged in what she is learning.
Her teachers love her, and they are all so amazing. She has a GREAT group of friends and I hear nothing about drama, drama, drama anymore. In the past there was always something.
This is all despite nothing improving in our circumstances and her still having some serious mental health issues that no middle schooler should have to deal with. She still has trichotillomania. That hasn’t improved, but everything else has and I think that makes the trichotillomania at least tolerable. We call it “answered prayers through NeurOptimal.” We are just so relieved and so grateful.
She is so happy. She is also becoming quite the athlete!”
The family that trains together stays together
I've really seen a new Bobby!
- Barbara G., Arvada, CO
“I started with NeurOptimal because my son has been struggling in school since 3 rd grade. Now in 7 th grade, he was failing school and in 2 months of brain training, he is now able to focus and we no longer are fighting to get homework started or completed. A teacher reported at parent conferences that she noticed his attention has dramatically improved and the assistant principal commented on how my son’s behavior has much improved. He is passing every class and he has so much more confidence in himself! It is nothing short of a miracle! I’ve really seen a new Bobby!
For myself, since I can remember I hadn’t slept for more than 3 hours at a time until I found NeurOptimal. I can now sleep 6-8 hours and I am dreaming! I love my dreams! I wake up feeling so rested and refreshed. Neurofeedback has changed our lives!”
The family that trains together stays together
NeurOptimal Moms
NeurOptimal® has been tremendously helpful for me and my family
- Allison G., Highlands Ranch, CO
“NeurOptimal with Susan has been tremendously helpful for me and my family. As a mom, I found that sometimes it was difficult for me stay calm and instead I become quick tempered with my two young children. I decided to try neurofeedback to help ease my anger with them. Within several sessions, it was clear that I was experiencing positive effects. I noticed I was sleeping better, and I was able to find other ways to deal with my kids. It was as if I had stopped reacting and had the ability to choose a different way of being with my kids. Neurofeedback changed my relationship with my family and gave me the freedom to choose how I want to act with my children. A much happier and healthier way
of living.
Then, in 2018, I was in a bad car accident and suffered from a severe concussion that lasted for 6 months. During my recovery, I used a rental system from Susan to help speed up my recovery and healing. NeurOptimal® helped me regain my memory, have better sleep, it relieved my symptoms to anger, confusion, and trouble with organization and I felt more calm and energized. I was amazed at how quickly I began to see my symptoms fade, and so were my health professionals. If I hadn’t trained with neurofeedback, my recovery undoubtedly would have been much longer.
NeurOptimal® gave me the hope I needed to thrive
Family Matters
- Kirstin B., Wheat Ridge, CO
“My work with Susan Tzankow and NeurOptimal began with my efforts to rebuild and repair poor cognitive function after breast cancer treatment. I suffered from major cognitive issues and had lost hope at it getting better. NeurOptimal and Susan’s support helped me rebuild myself to optimal functioning and gave me the hope I needed to continue to thrive. While I still have a long way to go, I am seeing functioning improvement.
We rented a system, and in my pursuit to help myself NeurOptimal was equally able to help my 11-year-old son who is challenged by ADHD. NeurOptimal helped us to connect the dots between his hyperactivity and inattentiveness. His teachers even noticed a shift in his attentiveness after several sessions, commenting that they’ve noticed something different about him even they could not pinpoint what. We believe it is NeurOptimal!”
Free of the old stuff that no longer has relevance
- Barb W., Aurora, CO
“NeurOptimal is a life changing gift! It has provided a way to heal experiences that my brain and I had interpreted as problematic. I leave a NeurOptimal session with Susan feeling like a weight has been lifted and I can’t even remember anything about what problems I thought I had. I really don’t know how it happens. I just feel freer; healed of old stuff that doesn’t have any relevance now. And my “problems” don’t need to go through the filter of many years (I’m now 77 years old) in the effort to find “the truth”. Wow, what a relief!”
I attribute my life changes to NeurOptimal®
- Vern K., Albuquerque, NM
Lack of concentration, short-term memory problems, super stressed and exhausted—definitely depressed. Really many things that all probably were making my life more and more challenging. I also wanted my personal relationships to be smoother and more thoughtful—I sought calm, collected thoughts. I have improvement in all of those areas, most certainly. I could tell the difference from the start to a few weeks in and also can tell when it’s time to get a tune-up. For me, it’s the big picture, in all the various areas, there is improvement. Since NeurOptimal is the only thing “new”—I do attribute my life changes to the brain training with NeurOptimal.
Freedom from what no longer serves me
- Jennifer A., Pueblo, CO
“After several NeurOptimal brain training sessions, I experienced phenomenal results. The freedom from being stuck in a life-long feeling of victimization is extraordinary! I now know the solution is within me when my brain is operating in a balanced state. Thank you, Susan Tzankow. NeurOptimal has helped me to release that which no longer serves my well-being!”
If only I had found NeurOptimal® 20 years ago!
- Mike K., Lakewood, CO
This page is dedicated to Mike, an amazing person I had the true privilege of knowing, who passed peacefully at the age of 96 on July 11, 2019, at his home in Lakewood, Colorado. I did not know Mike before he came to me for NeurOptimal® sessions, and he became one of my greatest inspirations. Mike said to me at one of our sessions, “If only I had found NeurOptimal 20 years ago!”
Here is the testimony of his experience of NeurOptimal® at 95 years old.
“As my awareness has increased from the NeurOptimal sessions, mindfulness has also increased and more recently Consciousness and behavioral changes have been happening…
Two months ago, as I was driving along, I became aware of all sorts of new details in the buildings as I passed them. I began to see buildings that I had not seen before. This awareness keeps expanding. Recently I went into a familiar restaurant and did not recognize the place because the colors, sizes, shapes and light were brighter and different to me. I am more aware of subtle differences in the taste of foods. I now have much more enjoyment of food and drinks.
I am aware that my controlling trance has diminished. I frequently look forward with anticipation to creative writing and other projects. My rage has not come up for about two months. I am more centered and peaceful. My chronic anxiety is much less present. My planning and follow through has improved a great deal. I have much more empathy and discipline in my life and my counseling. I take more risks in every part of my life. My intimacy and social life have expanded. I am more successful with my iPhone and computer. A recent dream content was all positive, no flight or fight, no shame feelings. I feel centered and whole.”
NeurOptimal® neurofeedback was what I
needed to break through…
My recovery from Guillain-Barré Syndrome
- Jerry G., Lakewood, CO
“I was diagnosed with the uncommon Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). During my 3-week hospital stay all my parts seemed to deteriorate day by day. GBS is a type of peripheral neuropathy, that was eating the myelin sheaths around my nerves and I was partially paralyzed, I didn’t have any reflexes on the left side of my body, I went from not being able to open my eyes, to having double-vision with strobe lights. I couldn’t form words to answer a question, my memory was gone, and I couldn’t focus or concentrate. I was told my speech was extremely slow. I couldn’t stand by myself or walk. I was totally helpless!
I was told I should recover; most people do, but not all. I received physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy and was able to walk with assistance by the time I got home but still had issues with memory, vision, hand-to-eye coordination, and balance. I had to relearn how to use stairs, get up/down from a chair or the bed, and work my eyes to focus. Concentrating on anything was more than difficult. I couldn’t even focus for longer than a minute or two. I experienced deeper and deeper depression. It seemed like I would never get back to how I was before. I was doing all the therapy exercises, but some things weren’t improving at all.
My wife had previously spoken about NeurOptimal neurofeedback and I asked her if possibly it could help me. I just wanted to feel better and be able to move around and think like I previously did. She set up an appointment. I was a bit anxious, since she said sensors would be put on my head, but I could just relax during a session. I am so glad I went and am so thankful to Susan Tzankow of Front Range Neurofeedback. My improvements have been amazing!
After my first session I felt overall more relaxed, calmer. I would say that was the first evening I wasn’t preoccupied with what I couldn’t do, but that’s not the best part! I had physical therapy and occupational therapy the next day and BOTH of the therapists commented on my improved condition! Physically I could do the exercises without needing to stop after each one. Ian said it was like my body woke up! I tolerated the gaze stabilization exercises much better. My balance was improved, and this was after one NeurOptimal session! Ian said there was “substantial mprovement today!”
My occupational therapist “Hollie” noticed I was following her directions better this day. I felt I could understand her more. She (finally) gave me permission to take a shower by myself! That was huge! Up to then either Hollie or my wife had to be in the bathroom with me. Finally, some progress. I told her about my one session of neurofeedback yesterday and she was quite interested in the process. She could notice I was functioning at an improved level. I felt I was functioning at a higher level.
After another NeurOptimal® session I saw my speech therapist, Ale. She complemented me on my improved reading and focusing on the cognitive exercises. She assumed I was working all my waking hours on the exercises and reading aloud. I was consistently doing those, but I told her about my neurofeedback sessions. She was very impressed with the changes I displayed and was interested in finding out more. I gave everyone brochures because I want to share how much NeurOptimal has helped me. I am able to focus and notice there is clarity when I’m interacting with others. I feel overall better and more energized and able to do all the physical, occupational, and speech exercises.
Then I saw the neurologist, Dr. Reynolds, a little over a month from my discharge from the hospital. He was impressed with my recovery progress. He gave the go-ahead for me to resume many, if not most of my activities and make plans for returning to work and be LEFT ALONE in the house. I believe it was NeurOptimal® neurofeedback that accelerated my healing.
I have had about 20 sessions to date, and I continue to improve. I feel I was practically non-functioning when I came home from the hospital and getting more depressed and glum day by day. The therapies I had were good and each therapist helped me, but by adding NeurOptimal® neurofeedback with Susan was what I needed to break through.
Two months after the neurologist visit, I returned for a Nerve Test. Dr. Reynolds was very, very pleased with the results! I have nerve responses in all my extremities and there is evidence that healing is taking place.
Please reach out to me through Susan if you have any questions about my experience.
Start your NeurOptimal® Experience with us Today!
Are you ready to Experience NeurOptimal®?
At Front Range Neurofeedback we provide:
- In-person NeurOptimal® training, serving the Denver metro area of Colorado
- Nationwide NeurOptimal® Rentals
- Global NeurOptimal® sales
- Dedicated Support
At the Front Range Neurofeedback we are passionate about what we do. Whether you choose to start to explore NeurOptimal® with in person sessions, a NeurOptimal system rental, or you are ready to purchase your own system, Susan is an expert who will provide you with caring and devoted support. When you connect with Susan, she will provide you with comprehensive information and answer all the questions so you can feel confident about embarking on your NeurOptimal® journey.
You don’t have to wait to reach out to us. Schedule your free consultation today! Please feel free to reach out to Susan directly at (720) 300-7079 or email